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Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRuF)
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PRuF Home
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History of the Institute
Organisation of the PRuF
Advisory Board
Tasks and self-conception
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Basic Research
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Academic Staff
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Prof. (Edinburgh) Dr. Stephan Malinowski
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Dr. Peter Obert
Johanna Plenter, M.A.
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Dr. Alexandra Bäcker
Research Assistants
PRuF Fellows
Research Projects
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Current Projects
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Moot Court und juristische Ausbildungsmethodik in Deutschland (Förderprogramm "Ost-West-Dialog 2024")
Das Verhalten von Oppositionsparteien innerhalb und außerhalb des Parlaments: funktionale Unterschiede und gegenseitiger Einfluss?
Das Recht der demokratischen Willensbildung
Hearts of Darkness - Kolonialismus und NS-Herrschaft
Immigrant German Election Study II (IMGES II)
Who do parties select as their electoral leaders and why?
PPDB (Political Party Data Base Project)
Finished Research Projects
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"Wählergemeinschaften in Deutschland"-Membership Survey
Moot Court und juristische Ausbildungsmethodik in Deutschland (Förderprogramm "Ost-West-Dialog 2022")
Moot Court und juristische Ausbildungsmethodik in Deutschland (Förderprogramm "Ost-West-Dialog 2023")
Political (Opposition) Parties under Pressure
The impact of the opposition in established democracies
Party-Interest Group Relationships in Contemporary Democracies: Character, Causes and Consequences (PAIRDEM)
Governance by law and social institutions in Eastern Europe
Mechanisms of Opposition: Inclusion or polarization?
Schumpeter Fellowship
Sources of Legitimacy of Regional Organizations in the Global South
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PRuF Symposia
Graduate Conference
DAAD - Germany-Ukraine Workshop
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Publikationen und Datenbanken
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MIP Magazine
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MIP Online
MIP download
PRUF Working Papers
Recent Publications of Political Science
Recent Publications of Jurisprudence
Collection of Party-Arbitration-Judgements
PPDB Database
PPDB-Conference (Political Party Data Base Project)
Service Page
Datenschutz & Social Media
Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRuF)
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To homepage Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRuF)
PRuF Home
About PRuF
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History of the Institute
Organisation of the PRuF
Advisory Board
Tasks and self-conception
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Basic Research
Applied Research
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Academic Staff
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Prof. (Edinburgh) Dr. Stephan Malinowski
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Dr. Peter Obert
Johanna Plenter, M.A.
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Dr. Alexandra Bäcker
Research Assistants
PRuF Fellows
Research Projects
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Current Projects
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Moot Court und juristische Ausbildungsmethodik in Deutschland (Förderprogramm "Ost-West-Dialog 2024")
Das Verhalten von Oppositionsparteien innerhalb und außerhalb des Parlaments: funktionale Unterschiede und gegenseitiger Einfluss?
Das Recht der demokratischen Willensbildung
Hearts of Darkness - Kolonialismus und NS-Herrschaft
Immigrant German Election Study II (IMGES II)
Who do parties select as their electoral leaders and why?
PPDB (Political Party Data Base Project)
Finished Research Projects
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"Wählergemeinschaften in Deutschland"-Membership Survey
Moot Court und juristische Ausbildungsmethodik in Deutschland (Förderprogramm "Ost-West-Dialog 2022")
Moot Court und juristische Ausbildungsmethodik in Deutschland (Förderprogramm "Ost-West-Dialog 2023")
Political (Opposition) Parties under Pressure
The impact of the opposition in established democracies
Party-Interest Group Relationships in Contemporary Democracies: Character, Causes and Consequences (PAIRDEM)
Governance by law and social institutions in Eastern Europe
Mechanisms of Opposition: Inclusion or polarization?
Schumpeter Fellowship
Sources of Legitimacy of Regional Organizations in the Global South
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PRuF Symposia
Graduate Conference
DAAD - Germany-Ukraine Workshop
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Publikationen und Datenbanken
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MIP Magazine
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MIP Online
MIP download
PRUF Working Papers
Recent Publications of Political Science
Recent Publications of Jurisprudence
Collection of Party-Arbitration-Judgements
PPDB Database
PPDB-Conference (Political Party Data Base Project)
Service Page
Datenschutz & Social Media
Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRuF)
Publikationen und Datenbanken
MIP Magazine
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